BLOG: Pope St. John Paul II,World Youth Day
Vatican City, 9 June 2016 – The programme for the Holy Father’s apostolic trip to Poland, on the occasion of the celebration of the 31st World Youth Day from 27 to 31 July this year, was published today.   The Pope will depart from Rome’s Fiumicino airport at 2 p.m. and will arrive at the more
I have many memories of April 2, 2005, when St. John Paul II died after a lengthy illness and much suffering. I remember the succession of news reports the evening before his death,  people praying in St. Peter’s Square and the shared sense of concern and sadness that most people felt; this was not limited just more
A video tribute to a great saint who walked among us on the 11th Anniversary of his death. more
At the conclusion of the Solemn Mass for Palm Sunday, Pope Francis led the faithful in the recitation of the Angelus. In brief remarks ahead of the Marian prayer, the Holy Father greeted all those taking part in the ceremony, including those watching and listening by means of television, radio, or other means of communication. more
Check the new Move WYD (Mów ?DM) video with Fr. Jonathan Kalisch O.P. Fr. Jonathan talks about how he found his vocation in Kraków, memories from previous WYD, the Knights of Columbus and their mission during WYD, St. John Paul II and the people who were healed thanks to St. Faustina. The interview was recorded more
The official video for the hymn for World Youth Day Krakow 2016 was released today. Below you will find the full song in Polish along with the English translation. English translation of the WYD2016 hymn, “Blogoslawieni milosierni” (“Blessed are the Merciful”): Blessed Are the Merciful I raise my eyes to the mountains, from where help more
While we celebrate Pope Francis’ historic visit to Uganda today, I thought I’d share with you this classic image of Pope John Paul II during his apostolic visit to Uganda in 1993. Wonderful, isn’t it? During the 26 and a half years of his pontificate, John Paul II was a pilgrim to 129 different countries more
“Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy” (Mt 5:7) Dear Young People, We have come to the last stretch of our pilgrimage to Krakow, the place where we will celebrate the 31st World Youth Day next year in the month of July. We are being guided on this long and challenging path by more
Canadian Premiere on Salt + Light Sunday April 12, at 9pm ET / 6pm PT A new Knights of Columbus produced documentary on St. John Paul II and his relationship with North and South America will air April 12 on Salt + Light. John Paul II in America: Uniting a Continent explores how the papacy more
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Mt 5: 8) Dear Young Friends, We continue our spiritual pilgrimage toward Krakow, where in July 2016 the next international World Youth Day will be held. As our guide for the journey we have chosen the Beatitudes. Last year we reflected on the beatitude more