BLOG: Radio,Twitter,World%20Youth%20Day
When you think of Lent, what do you think of? Do you think of feasting or fasting? Do you think of partying or penance? How many of you, when you think of Lent, think of Baptism? Surely the Catechumens, those preparing for Baptism at Easter, who do their final preparations during Lent are thinking of more
Last week I mentioned that I enjoy praying with the Psalms. In fact I enjoy praying with Scripture. Scripture is good because, not only does it always give us the words that we may need, but it always is the Voice of God speaking to us. Since prayer is not just a one-way conversation (what more
In countries where the majority of the population is of Christian background, the question of dialogue with Muslims may not be such a pressing one. Although this very question is in the minds of many, especially now with the influx of refugees from the Middle East. It is also a question that is important for more
Salt + Light Producer and Host Sebastian Gomes recalls Pope Francis’ visit to a favela in Rio during World Youth Day in 2013. more
Last week we defined prayer as relationship. If our relationship with God is a love relationship (and it should be), then prayer is how we relate with our loved one. When I was a little kid, my mother taught us that prayer was just talking. That’s why I’m not so much into the standard prayers; more
Have you watched Reel Faith? Every week, hosts David DiCerto and Steven Greydanus offer a Catholic perspective on the latest Hollywood releases and Father Robert Lauder selects his Movie With a Message. These are film reviews you can have faith in. This week, on a Reel Faith special, David and Steven will be joined by more
Words of the Archbishop of Panama, Jose Domingo Ulloa Mendieta at the press conference announcing the date of WYD 2019. We would like to reiterate our gratitude to Pope Francis in choosing Panama to host World Youth Day (WYD) in 2019, with the motto: “I am the servant of the Lord. May it be done more
Yesterday, as our Eastern Catholic brothers and Sisters celebrated Christmas, I was reminded of one of the most meaningful messages of Christmas: Emmanuel – God with us. Since I was a little child, I’ve known this. I always knew the meaning of the name Emmanuel, because that is my middle name: Pedro Emmanuel Guevara-Mann. At more
2016 has come and gone and so it’s time for our year-end-review. What are the highlights of this past year? What stands out the most in your mind? What’s your favourite Pope Francis moment? Join Deacon Pedro and our year-in review panel, Sebastian Gomes and Emilie Callan as they look at the Church in the more
On a Friday night in July 2002, during the World Youth Day celebration in Toronto, I was standing just down the street from the Royal Ontario Museum. As a member of the World Youth Secretariat under the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs, I was assigned to stand by a viewing area for local dignitaries more