BLOG: Radio,Twitter,World%20Youth%20Day
Written by Ian Meaden and the  St. Joseph’s Basilica World Youth Day Group. Well another World Youth Day has come and gone. I find for each one I have been to that my experience was always different and there is always something new that I have taken away. Now, I could write a full length blog more
When I arrived a day early, the streets of Krakow were still empty. However, you could tell something special was about to take place. Last minute preparations were overlapping with first small, spontaneous musical performances and youth trickling in with flags from around the world. When our team came together the next day, I could more
[Me alongside 1.8 million pilgrims at the overnight vigil.] Written by Celine Diaz Despite the fact that I was still in my early twenties, I felt extraordinarily old coming into WYD—which was ironic, because this event was obviously for “youth”. Yet somewhere along the way, I seemed to have lost my “youthful vitality” too soon. more
A month after that memorable experience of World Youth Day Krakow, Salt and Light Television is pleased to bring you a special hour-long WYD Wrap-Up show this Wednesday, August 24 at 9pmET / 6pmPT. There were so many great story lines: the World Youth Day returning to its birthplace, the city of Saint John Paul II. more
Through the end of July, I had the responsibility of working on the ground in Poland on Salt + Light’s coverage of World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow. I could write many different blog posts on the diverse and beautiful experiences I had there, and I will certainly write a few more. But I want to focus on more
Sit down with Deacon Pedro, as he learns about and reflects on Mary in his three-part series "Deacon-structing: Mary." more
I have been humbled in the last couple of days to learn that for many, one of the highlights of Krakow 2016 took place on the Wednesday night at the Mercy Centre during an event which I was honoured to help organize. It was called Night of Mercy. The night was described as “featuring XLT more
I was not physically in Krakow for World Youth Day 2016. A series of scheduling practicalities made it necessary for me to stay in Toronto, anchoring Salt + Light’s coverage of WYD 2016. Still, there were moments when the line between living WYD and living it vicariously through my colleagues on the ground was blurred. more
Written by: Katie VanLeeuwen A couple of days ago, while waiting in line for some Polish pierogies, my fellow mission team members and I decided to do as the pilgrims do and strike up a conversation with the people who happened to be standing beside us. In this case, we got to meet Bill and more
At the end of the Angelus Address, last Sunday, at Campus Misericordiae in Krakow, Pope Francis announced that the next World Youth Day will take place in 2019 in Panama City, Panama. As we begin preparations for this exciting next WYD, Salt + Light’s Charles LeBourgeois had the chance to speak with Archbishop José Domingo more