BLOG: Saints and Blesseds,Special Coverage
Today Pope Francis celebrated mass at St. Anne Parish in Vatican City. In the following three clips we bring you the highlights of the event. Above find a clip of the brief but moving homily that he gave to parishioners. Below, find the speech where Cardinal Comastri thanked the Holy Father and praised him for more
On Saturday, March 16, Pope Francis gathered thousands of journalists and media agencies from nearly 82 countries inside the Paul VI Audience Hall. In his address, the Holy Father spoke of how the role of mass media continues to grow and how it is indispensable for telling the stories of contemporary society. Published below is more
As anyone following newspapers, blogs, newscasts, and social media will know, media coverage of the papal transition can range from the minute to the absurd. What are the issues the media should be talking about? How does a Catholic spokesperson inform an often misinformed society? On today’s episode of “Perspectives Conclave Special”, S+L Producer Kris more
What can we expect from a new pope? That’s been the question on everyone’s mind, and has featured prominently in recent media coverage of the upcoming papal election. Kris Dmytrenko and guests Dr. Josephine Lombardi, Fr. Frank Portelli, and Matthew Sanders discuss what the real story is behind the pope, what his office entails, and more
If you joined us earlier this morning, you saw a spectacular liturgy from inside St. Peter’s Basilica. During this Mass, called the Pro Eligendo Romano Pontifice Mass, the cardinals prayed for the election of a new Supreme Pontiff. Salt + Light will continue its in-depth analysis and reporting throughout the coming days. We will be more
Sebastian Gomes speaks with Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, D.C. in Rome on the final day of Pope Benedict’s Pontificate.  The Cardinal shares his thoughts on Pope Benedict’s departure, his lasting legacy, and the important characteristics of the new pope. more
Published below is a translation of the address that Pope Benedict just delivered in an open-air celebration in St. Peter’s Square. In this moving address to the Church and to the world, he reflected on the past eight years of his papacy and his decision to resign and commit himself to the Church through prayer. more
This Sunday, live from the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., Salt + Light Television will broadcast a special Mass of Thanksgiving for the pontificate of Benedict XVI. Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the Archbishop of Washington, is the principal celebrant and homilist. He will be joined by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the Apostolic Nuncio more
To some, the leadership of the Church represents a distant, shadowy club. The term “hierarchy” has been irreparably damaged, so loaded with connotations of stodgy elites isolated in plush curial offices. But those who actually know the leaders of our Church can see a very different image. The Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto, Thomas Collins, is more
Joined by an estimated 80,000 pilgrims, Pope Benedict XVI prayed the Angelus today from his window overlooking St. Peter’s Square. In his address (translated into English in the video above), the Holy Father reflects on the temptation of Jesus in the desert. This is the second last Angelus address that the Pope will give before more