BLOG: Saints and Blesseds,Subject Matters
Filled with wisdom literature and elderly heroes, the Bible is a perennial textbook for studying wisdom. As it turns out, wisdom is not exclusively for the elderly; the Bible is filled with old fools and wise youngsters too. But, as Christopher Bellitto points out, the discovery of true wisdom leads to openness and reciprocity, especially between generations, more
(S+L Photo: Bishop Ricardo Ramírez, CSB, presents his book “Power from the Margins: the Emergence of the Latino in the Church and in Society” on the set of Subject Matters at Ben McNally Books in Toronto, ON) The timing of Bishop Ricardo Ramírez’s book “Power from the Margins” couldn’t be more appropriate. As debates rage about more
Sometimes, because it’s Lent we may overlook some feasts or solemnities that fall during the season. It’s hard to ignore the Feast of St. Patrick, but how many really pay attention to the Solemnity of St. Joseph? more
Sebastian Gomes discusses where you can find Jesus this Lent. His answer may surprise you. A new season of Subject Matters premieres Sunday, March 19, 2017! more
Saints would be the first ones to declare that prayer is a battle. But a battle with who and what? Well, they would say, with ourselves and with whatever is keeping our eyes fixed on God. “The great figures of prayer of the Old Covenant before Christ, as well as the Mother of God, the saints, more
One of the greatest but often overlooked gifts given to us by the Catholic Church are the many saints canonized over the years. They are given to us as examples of hope during all possible combinations of human hardship we might find ourselves in. This group provides real examples of people who have overcome great tribulations, more
One of the defining celebrations of the 2016 Jubilee Year of Mercy was the canonization of Mother Teresa. Beloved around the world by believers and non-believers alike, her relentless care for the poor and abandoned struck the heart of humanity. Her story continues to spread through the ministry of her postulator, Fr. Brian Kolodiejchuk, MC, more
Subject Matters: “Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science” Stacy Trasancos, Author Sunday, December 11 at 8:30pmET / 5:30pm PT This Sunday’s all-new episode of Subject Matters features scientist and theologian Stacy Trasancos. Her book, Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science is a practical guide for engaging questions relating to faith and more
“Nobody writes better about the lives of the saints than Robert Ellsberg,” according to spiritual writer Ron Rolheiser.  He’s not alone.  Robert Ellsberg, the publisher and editor-in-chief of Orbis Books, has compiled an eclectic cloud of witnesses in his new book “Blessed Among Us: Day to Day with Saintly Witnesses,” published by Liturgical Press. What’s most more
Argentina, 1976 – A right-wing military group seized power in a time of social instability, in the name of fighting communism and protecting “Christian civilization.” They kidnapped and tortured thousands. About 90% of Argentina was Catholic at the time, which meant that Catholics were persecuting other Catholics who were considered communist sympathizers and subversives. So, what more