BLOG: Saints and Blesseds,Synods
As we await further details of Pope Francis' promised visit to Canada, Deacon Pedro takes a look back at two earlier papal visits. more
Read all about Blessed Devasahayam, a convert from Hinduism in the 18th century who will soon become India's newest saint. more
An ecumenical panel on synodality | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
March 1, 2022
Exploring different approaches to synodality in Christian churches reveals one of the many valuable ways we can learn from one another through dialogue. more
Learn about Jesuit priest Rutilio Grande and three other martyrs from El Salvador to be beatified on January 22, and how to watch the Beatification Mass. more
Read 12 beautiful, faith-affirming quotes from St. Irenaeus of Lyons, who has just been declared the 37th Doctor of the Church. more
Listening with the heart | One Body
Julien Hammond
November 30, 2021
How good are we at listening with our hearts? Do we hear how God may be speaking to us through people outside our own church and beyond? more
How do we walk together? Julian Paparella offers suggestions of how we can use this synod as an opportunity to reach out beyond our Church. more
Last month, Pope Francis announced his intention to declare St. Irenaeus of Lyons a Doctor of the Church. Who was he, and why is he so important? more
What impact can the Church’s movement towards synodality under the leadership of Pope Francis have on ecumenical dialogue with the Orthodox Church? more
This October, the entire Church is embarking on an unprecedented journey of renewal, starting at the grassroots level. And it needs you! more