BLOG: Saints and Blesseds,Synods
Pope John Paul II was in many respects a pope of firsts: the first pope to visit the White House, the first pope to visit Cuba, and the most widely traveled Pope in history. As one of the longest reigning popes in the history of the Church, his influence will be felt for generations. Join more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily during the closing mass of the Synod and the beatification of Pope Paul VI on Oct. 19, 2014. more
At the end of the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family, Pope Francis addressed the Synod Fathers and everyone involved with the Synod. Below is the full text of the Holy Father’s remarks. Dear Eminences, Beatitudes, Excellencies, Brothers and Sisters, With a heart full of appreciation and gratitude I want to thank, along with more
The Synod Fathers released a short pastoral letter at the conclusion of the Extraordinary Synod of Bishop on the Family on Sunday, October 19, 2014. We, Synod Fathers, gathered in Rome together with Pope Francis in the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, greet all families of the different continents and in particular more
Pope Paul VI is carried on the “sedia gestatoria,” a ceremonial throne, during the closing liturgy of the Second Vatican Council in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican Dec. 8,1965. Pope Francis will beatify Pope Paul today on Oct. 19 during the closing Mass of the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family. The miracle more
The Salt + Light team in Rome spoke with lay couple Jeff and Alice Heinzen from the Office of Marriage and Family Life and Natural Family Planning in the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA. Jeff and Alice share their hope and vision for renewing family life. more
The Salt + Light team in Rome spoke w/ Archbishop John Dew of Wellington, New Zealand. Archbishop Dew shares the message he brings to #synod14. more
The Salt + Light team in Rome spoke with Bishop Warnakulasurya V. Mendis of Chilaw, Sri Lanka. Bishop Mendis offers his thoughts on #synod14 and addresses the issue of remarried and divorced Catholics. more
Pope Paul VI presides over a meeting of the Second Vatican Council in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican in 1963. (CNS photo/Catholic Press Photo)  To learn more about the Second Vatican Council watch The Church Alive series. more
This weekend we’ll celebrate the conclusion of the 2014 Synod on the Family and the beatification of the Pope Paul VI. The Church that we know today is deeply shaped by the Second Vatican Council and is in many ways a reflection of Paul VI’s pontificate. Watch this short video tribute to the ‘Pilgrim Pope’ more