BLOG: Saints and Blesseds,Videos
I have many memories of April 2, 2005, when St. John Paul II died after a lengthy illness and much suffering. I remember the succession of news reports the evening before his death,  people praying in St. Peter’s Square and the shared sense of concern and sadness that most people felt; this was not limited just more
A video tribute to a great saint who walked among us on the 11th Anniversary of his death. more
Can a Catholic marry a non-Catholic? This week, on the third of our mini-series on Marriage and Canon Law, Deacon Pedro speaks again with Fr. Alex Laschuk of the Marriage Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Toronto. They speak about all the different possibilities there are to make sure that your Marriage is Catholic and share more
Every Life Matters: an invitation from Archbishop Smith from Archdiocese of Edmonton on Vimeo. The issues of suffering and of preparing for death touch every one of us. How do we respond as followers of Jesus Christ? The Archdiocese of Edmonton is undertaking a special initiative to help us explore deeply our Catholic stance against more
What is an annulment? Why is it not the same as divorce? Join Deacon Pedro again this Friday as he explores the beautiful teachings of the Catholic Church with regards to Marriage. This week, he speaks with Canon Lawyer, Fr. Alex Laschuk, of the Marriage Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Toronto about annulments and they outline more
March 16, 2016 Although a small number of people attempt to drag Ireland back to unrest and violence, people from across our communities are strongly committed to building bridges towards lasting peace. Following the example of Patrick, I call on Irish people, at home and abroad: open yourselves up to a personal friendship with Christ and to an more
Everyone knows that there’s no divorce in the Catholic Church, only that there are some marriages that are not valid. So what makes a marriage valid? To help us understand all of this better, join us for a special Perspectives on Marriage with Fr. Alex Laschuk, of the Marriage Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Toronto more
By Peter Schineller, S.J. The first Jesuit Pope! We have moved beyond the original surprise and shock. What does it mean? How is Pope Francis deeply Ignatian and deeply Jesuit? I see one key link between Francis and Ignatius, a link that Francis himself has pointed. It is found in a Latin phrase, not easily translated, more
Pierluigi Molla, son of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, shares memories of his mother and the lessons Catholics can learn from her life. How are you going to spend the next five minutes of your time?  You could browse social media or check your email, but how about meeting a fascinating person and learning something relevant more
This week the Pope’s message for the World Day for Social Communication was released with some fanfare at the Vatican. The real fanfare, however, was going on inside the Apostolic Palace. Pope Francis met with Apple CEO Tim Cook. The meeting comes one week after the pope met with Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, more