BLOG: Synods,vocations,World Day of Vocations
On October 13, 2019, Pope Francis celebrated the Mass for Canonization of five new saints in St. Peter's Square. Read the full text of his homily here. more
Why is the Church holding a Synod on the Amazon? And why should we care? Deacon Pedro explains the issues and how they impact all of us. more
The 2019 Synod on the Pan-Amazon Region began today with the Opening Mass in St. Peter's Basilica. Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily here. more
Throughout October, we will be broadcasting major events from the Synod on the Amazon along with exclusive programming. Check out the schedule here. more
Do you have a favourite quote from Pope Francis' new exhortation? Allyson Kenny shares ten quotes that touched her heart the most. more
Official summary of Pope Francis’ Post-Synodal Exhortation to Young People and to the entire People of God "Christus vivit." more
Having participated in the recent Synod, Prevain Devendran reflects on how the experience has affected his understanding of the importance of "encounter". more
Read the Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 2019 World Day of Vocations. more
Emilie Callan reflects on her experience last year as an auditor at the Synod of Bishops and answers some of your Frequently Asked Questions. more
What makes a “Catholic” website really “Catholic”? Sebastian Gomes reflects on the Catholic media we consume and offers criteria to help us discern our use. more