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Vancouver’s Archbishop Michael Miller and Bishop Jean Louis Plouffe of Sault Sainte Marie visited the Philippines to personally witness the post-typhoon rebuilding projects assisted by Development & Peace. At the same time Vancouver’s vice-chancellor Barb Dowding was in Fredricton, taking the reigns as national president of the Catholic Women’s League. Dowding spoke to S+L earlier more
With the pope’s one major summer trip over and done with, attention can now return to what we could call “housekeeping” matters: appointing new bishops to dioceses that have been awaiting appointments, and filling up the papal agenda for this fall. This week Pope Francis named the new Archbishop of Madrid, Spain. Cardinal Antonio Rouco more
On Saturday, August 30, there will be three auxiliary bishops ordained in the Diocese of Hongkong. They are Mgr Michael Yeung Ming-cheung, vicar general of the diocese and a member of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum; Mgr Stephen Lee Bun Sang, vicar of Opus Dei for East Asia; and Fr. Joseph Ha Chi-shing, a former more
During my research for the Church Alive series I came across this epic CNS file photo of Pope Paul VI and Cardinal Karol Wojtyla. The photo’s caption reads, “Paul VI, who served in Poland during his early priesthood, held the future Pope John Paul II in high regard.” Not only do they both look like more
Tonight on Perspectives: Pope Francis warns against jealousy in Christian communities, hunger and panic spread in Western Africa as government officials try to stop the spread of Ebola, and S+L launches onto ROKU TV. more
Former Nuncio to the Dominican Republic Josef Wesolowski does not have diplomatic immunity. Cardinal Fernando Filoni returns from Iraq more
“Great are the works of the Lord; they are pondered by all who delight in them.” Psalm 111:2 Do Monkeys Go to Heaven?  And by that I don’t mean you and me. Real monkeys, you know the ones that climb in trees or apparently pose for selfies (true story).  Well, that’s the question posed by more
So far we’ve looked at what the Scriptures and tradition tell us about the “prince of darkness”. But is this whole “devil” thing something of the past? I remember watching the film The Exorcist and thinking that the whole scenario didn’t seem real to me. I don’t think demons sit around behind a tree waiting more
Today on Perspectives, Pope Francis holds a press conference on his flight home from his Apostolic Journey to Korea, the Catholic Near East Welfare Association rushes emergency air to Iraq and terrible tragedy in the Bergoglio family in Argentina. more
Today on Perspectives, we take a look back at Pope Francis’ historic trip to Korea, his first to the continent of Asia. more