BLOG: 〈uage=
So much has happened in the past couple of years.  If we rewind the clock back to September of 2012 we feel the first gusts of what became a great wind of new life and energy in the Catholic Church. At the S+L studios in Toronto we were busy preparing for the Synod of Bishops more
One of the differences between The Church Alive and other S+L series is that it wasn’t filmed in our own studios.  Admittedly, from the outset Cheridan and I succumbed to the “go big or go home” syndrome, because we were convinced that any serious attempt to appeal to young people and non-Catholics meant being visually more
A Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows on her feast day, September 15: O most holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ: by the overwhelming grief you experienced when you witnessed the martyrdom, the crucifixion, and death of your divine Son, look upon me with eyes of compassion, and awaken in my heart a tender more
Today is the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross. Last week on the blog, we looked at why we honour the Cross: Because it reminds us that Jesus died to save us. And this is where I have a problem. Why do we need to be saved by Jesus’ death? I remember growing up learning more
How do you take the timeless truths of the Gospel and present them in new ways to the world of the 21st century?  Our new series The Church Alive seeks to start a discussion around that question.  But it’s not just about raising questions; we didn’t want to keep the New Evangelization in the philosophic more
Here’s what’s been going on across the country this week: Barely a week after being installed as Bishop of Victoria, B.C. Bishop Gary Gordon has launched a new blog on the diocesan website. He’s already making pastoral visits to the further reaches of his new diocese. Visit his blog to keep track of his visits more
The third season of Vatican Connections has kicked off on our network, and just in time too! There were some notable Episcopal moves in the last couple of weeks, some late breaking announcements, and some surprises. You can hear all about those in this week’s edition of Vatican Connections. One event that came by surprise, more
Cheridan and Sebastian practice line-dancing on the set of The Church Alive. As we’re in the media business, we’re very much aware of how pictures shape perception.  Especially when it comes to telling the story of the Church.  A large part of the New Evangelization is about rethinking how our story is told. Whether we more
With the World Meeting of Families to take place in Philadelphia in September of 2015, it is possible the Holy Father may visit the US for this first time in his pontificate. To make matters easier, the people of Philadelphia extend an invitation to Pope Francis in hopes of confirming his presence in 2015. See more
Sebastian Gomes, Salt + Light writer/producer/director of The Francis Effect, gives us a glimpse into filming the documentary: In the immediate aftermath of the whirlwind 2013 papal transition, everyone was comparing Pope Francis to Pope Benedict, pointing out the many differences and similarities between them. Naturally, nearly all of this commentary was coming from indirect sources, more