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Red Mass Homily, Holy Rosary Cathedral Vancouver, January 16, 2014 Archbishop J.M. Miller, CSB Dear brother priests, dear members of the St. Thomas More Guild: lawyers and their co-workers, members of the judiciary, and law students; dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Introduction Today’s sober readings speak of “sharing Christ’s sufferings” (1 Pet 4:13), while more
  If the war in Syria continues another year there will be no Christians left in the country, according to one bishop in the region. Chaldean Bishop Antoine Audo of Aleppo made the comment during a meeting of the Reunion of Aid Agencies for the Oriental Churches, which is known by its Italian acronym ROACO. more
ROME (World Jewish Congress) – A delegation of 15 Argentine Jewish leaders was hosted Thursday for an informal kosher lunch at the Vatican’s Santa Marta guesthouse by Pope Francis. Latin American Jewish Congress Executive Director Claudio Epelman, who organized the meeting together with Argentine Rabbi Abraham Skorka, said it was an “extraordinary gesture by Pope more
  Tonight on  Perspectives  US secretary of state meets with Vatican’s secretary of state  And we take a look at today’s general audience more
President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and Archbishop of Gatineau Paul-André Durocher has issued the following statement on the elevation of Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, Archbishop of Québec, to the College of Cardinals: As President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, it is a great joy for me, on behalf of all the Bishops of Canada, more
This was my third “Canadian Christmas” since I started working at Salt and Light. I got to spent my Christmas time in Vancouver. Being far away from my family at Christmas time is never easy, but the wonders of technology make the distances short. I can always be with my family even from far away more
Pope Francis announced the names of the 19 new cardinals he will create in the upcoming February 22 consistory. One of the prelates who will receive a red hat is Archbishop Gerald Lacroix of Quebec City. The pope announced the names after leading the Angelus prayer on January 12. Out of the 19 prelates who more
As in past years, Christmas 2013 was what I had expected it to be; in fact it really wasn’t all that different from any other year. Seeing family at the regularly scheduled times, being at the same masses (emphasis on the plural), hearing the same carols and even in some cases the same sermons. Christmas more
This week we take a look at the Christmas celebrations at the Vatican: which traditions did Pope Francis keep and what new traditions did he forge? We also look ahead to the changes that will be coming down the pipe very soon at the heart of the Church. more
For the past ten years my Christmas begins and ends with the noise and frenzy of an airport, the fuss associated with air travel, and the grogginess of jet lag. It is filled with the excitement of counting down to the days “till I fly home” and then the bittersweet countdown to the day I more