BLOG: 〈uage=
During his Sunday Angelus Address, Pope Francis Announced his upcoming trip to the Holy Land – May 24-26, 2014 Dear brothers and sisters, In the climate of joy typical of this Christmas season, I would like to announce that May 24-26, if it pleases God, I will make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The more
I don’t know about you, but I stopped making resolutions for the New Year, years ago. It’s not that I wasn’t keeping my resolutions (well… sometimes) but that it all seemed so arbitrary. We should always be trying to improve, no? So why only do it at the end of the year? It’s sort of more
On December 31, 2013, Pope Francis prayed year-end Vespers in St. Peter’s Basilica. Vespers began at 5 PM  with Pope Francis presiding over the prayers that constitute the Church’s official, public praise of God in the evening of the last day of the year, to be followed by the singing of the great hymn of more
 Pope Francis offered New Year’s greetings of peace Wednesday to the tens of thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square to recite with the Holy Father the Angelus prayer at the start of 2014. The Pope said his wishes for the new year are “those of the Church:” Christian wishes that put Jesus Christ more
On this New Year’s Day of 2014, Pope Francis has published his first message for the celebration of the World Day of Peace, focusing on the theme of brotherhood. As President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Canada, I want to relay Pope Francis’s intervention to my fellow citizens by taking a look from more
It’s Christmas and all our worries- the food, the dinner guests, our families, the presents- seem to be multiplied. Jesus’ birth is supposed to bring us peace, but instead, during this time of the year, it seems that what we have least of is peace. And we go to Christmas Eve Mass looking for a more
Refugees and the Elderly Are The Outcasts of Society Pope Francis on Sunday turned his attention to the dramatic predicament of migrants and refugees who not always find a welcome, but often become victims of human trafficking and slave labour. Speaking to the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus, the Pope more
By The Rev. Dr. Karen A. Hamilton, General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches. Ah, the anticipation builds…. Some of us are anticipating that rustle of tissue paper and scrabble to untie ribbon that is Christmas morning. Some of us are anticipating the Hope, Peace, Love and Joy that is the reality of the more
2013 has come to an end and so it’s time for our year-end-review. What are the highlights of this past year? What were the top news stories? What stands out the most in your mind? What’s your favourite Pope Francis moment? Join Deacon Pedro and our panel of S+L Producers, Cheridan, Alicia and Sebastian as more
Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi Message on Christmas Day, 2013: Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace among those whom he favours (Lk 2:14) Dear brothers and sisters in Rome and throughout the world, Happy Christmas! I take up the song of the angels who appeared to the shepherds in Bethlehem more