In this Advent series, Deacon Pedro learns from Judaism as he prepares for the coming of the Messiah. In the second week, Deacon Pedro and Rabbi Aaron Flanzraich explore the significance of and difference between signs and symbols in Judaism. more
Last week, I explained how asking a simple question like how we should care for the environment led us to ask many more other questions, from looking through the creation narrative in the Book of Genesis, to discovering that our desire to learn about created things begins with a sense of wonder. Sr. Damien Marie more
A Christmas tree is illuminated in the Old Town Square on the eve of St. Nicholas Day in Prague Dec. 5, 2012. St. Nicholas Day marks the start of Christmas for the Czech people. CNS photo/David W Cerny, Reuters more
If someone asked you to tell them the Christmas story as it’s told in the Gospels, how would you tell it?  What would you include?  What would you emphasize?  How accurate would your retelling be? The common image of the Christmas story that we have in our minds comes from traditional nativity scenes.  We see more
Last August, cameraman David Leross and I were in Vancouver for the CWL’s National Convention filming interviews for a special feature about the League called, Woman On A Mission. Here’s a little of what went on behind-the-scenes. One of the highlights of the Convention was Dr. Josephine Lombardi’s keynotes. As many of you already know, more
CUA students enjoy group discussion while they reflect on the lives of the saints. Earlier this year, I was in Washington D.C. to lead the Women’s Lenten Retreat for CUA’s Campus Ministry. The girls were amazing, I loved spending time with them. Their faith and their joy was inspiring. They were like the Church’s Light Brigade! more
Children return home after caroling on Christmas in Santa Rita de Castilla, a small town on the bank of the Maranon River in the Peruvian Amazon. CNS photo/Barbara Fraser more
The event Pope Francis has been waiting for since his pontificate started will finally kick off December 8. The Jubilee Year of Mercy officially begins on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with the opening of the Holy Door at the St. Peter’s Basilica, though the jubilee is already in full swing in Bangui, Central more
As Canada’s only Catholic Television Network that broadcasts across the nation 24 hours a day seven days a week, we run a fairly tight operation. With 30 or so full time employees, everyone is constantly doing one thing or another. But when it comes to lunch time, there is no messing around. We sit, we more
Another week has come to an end. Here is a look at what we’ve been reading about across the country: The diocese of Whitehorse has a new bishop: Fr. Hector Vila, a Neocatecumenal priest from Toronto. In Edmonton, Christians and Muslims are working together to show the wider community it is more than possible to more