Monsignor Paul Tighe, the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, is present at the 2011 Catholic Media Convention, and delegates are happy to see him there.[singlepic id=17 w=320 float=right] “It’s great to see Vatican representation on the ground here to get a pulse on the opportunities and challenges facing Catholic communicators in 2011,” more
Did you know? [singlepic id=12 w=320 float=right]We’ve been asked to pray the Rosary every Saturday for World Youth Day. But this week we’ve been asked a special request. The campaign is now about half way through and WYD is less than 55 days away! This is an excellent moment to remind people, to make sure that people don’t forget, more
What is the precise significance of today’s Solemnity, of the Body and Blood of Christ? The answer is given to us in the fundamental actions of this celebration we are carrying out: first of all we gather around the altar of the Lord, to be together in his presence; secondly, there will be the procession, more
The Catholic Media Convention begins today in Pittsburgh, PA.  This Convention brings together members of the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada, Catholic Academy for Communication Arts Professionals and the Association of Roman Catholic Communicators of Canada , as well as Catholic communications/public relations directors – for the purpose of spiritual, economic more
Last time I was telling you about a conversation I had with a friend. The “Pro Life” conversation is probably one of the most important ones that we should be able to have. But, most of us do not have the facts or the confidence to do so. So, here’s part 2 of that conversation.[singlepic more
If you’ve listened to Pedro’s S+L Radio program, you may have heard of Mark Matthews. He’s a graphic designer/animator working in Hollywood.  Every three weeks, he’s on the program with the feature “What’s Good About Hollywood, with our Hollywood Undercover Missionary.”  Now, he’s bringing his segment to the S+L Blog.[singlepic id=10 w=220 float=right] One of more
The Permanent Council of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement regarding the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. Below find their statement: Meeting in Ottawa this 15-16 June, the Permanent Council of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) reaffirmed their confidence in the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace more
There’s got to be something more we can do. This is what I keep thinking. The news is rarely good. Ecological and economic collapse here, a natural disaster there, clashes between religions, and as if all that weren’t enough: the added slap in the face of ideological disputes among Christians. The world needs renewing! It more
Are you nostalgic about previous World Youth Days?[singlepic id=2 w=240 float=right] Did you meet your wife in Denver 1993? Did you come back to the Church in Compostela in 89? Or did you begin to consider a vocation to the Religious Life in Rome in 2000? Was Sydney 2008 a game changer for you? No matter, more
A martyr from the Dachau concentration camp has been beatified — and Pope Benedict has entrusted to him, and all the martyrs of concentration camps, the cause for peace. Speaking at his Sunday Angelus, the Holy Father gave thanks for the “heroic witness” of Fr. Alois Andritzki. The 28-year old priest was accused by the more