Pope Francis' new apostolic exhortation, Querida Amazonia, is addressed to the whole world. So what's in it for me? Read this blog to find out. more
How well do you know the Letter of James? Deacon Pedro leads us through the main themes of this epistle, which we begin reading this week at daily Mass. more
Confused about the difference between Sacraments and sacramentals? Deacon Pedro explains what sacramentals are and how they lead us to God. more
Today is World Pulses Day. Find out how beans, lentils, peas, and chickpeas could be your key to a spiritually fruitful Lent. more
Learn about St. Josephine Bakhita, who was once a slave and is now the patron saint of human trafficking survivors. Her feast day is February 8th. more
Exploring the readings for this Sunday, Scott Harris looks at how the prophets anticipate the Gospels' call to care for the poor and needy. more
Cameraman and editor Jay Turchansky gives us an insider's perspective on filming a new Salt + Light Media documentary in the Central African Republic. more
“Lord, show me what it’s like to be Your daughter.” How can understanding ourselves as children of God deepen our relationship with Him? more
On the feast of St. Blaise, Deacon Pedro explores the rich Catholic tradition of devotions - and how to distinguish between devotions and distractions. more
In this reflection, Julian Paparella explores how the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord shows us how to trust in God's plan for our lives. more