One year after (perhaps) the most watched interregnum and conclave in recent history, the church finds herself changed. Most would say changed for the better. This change has also established new bridges between the church and the wider world. The catalyst for that change was a 76 year old man who had already picked out more
Your Holiness, One year ago today, the Bishops of Canada along with all the faithful of our great land saw you appear for the first time on the balcony of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The simplicity of your manner and your words, the humility with which you invited us to pray for you, and more
By Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton General Secretary, The Canadian Council of Churches Having been given wonderful breakfasts by our host Palestinian families, including in many cases home-made fig and apricot jams, having been shown their gardens of lemon and almond trees, we reassembled as The Path of Abraham. Our next stop was the Church of more
Special Mass of Thanksgiving on the Occasion of the First Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis from the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. His Eminence, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, is the principal celebrant and homilist of the Mass. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio to the more
  By The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton General Secretary, The Canadian Council of Churches   Leaving our Kibbutz hotel, The Path of Abraham bus rolled towards Nazareth and the Church of the Annunciation. This traditional place of the Annunciation to Mary that she would bear the Son of God, Jesus, is decorated with large mosiacs more
  By Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton General Secretary, The Canadian Council of Churches   Jews, Christians and Muslims together for the Arabic/English worship service at St. George’s Anglican Church in Jerusalem. As word and music filled space and hearts we were made to feel so welcome. What an interesting experience for all but in a more
  By Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton General Secretary, The Canadian Council of Churches   Shabbat Shalom! This morning offered a variety of ways of engaging in faith and land. Some of us went to the Sabbath services of the only English-speaking Conservative synagogue in Jerusalem. A remarkable service, made more remarkable by the fact that more
by  Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton General Secretary, The Canadian Council of Churches   After what seemed like luxurious sleeping-in compared with our early start of yesterday, we began Day 3 of our Path of Abraham study tour by hearing the challenging, heart-wrenching, soul-wrenching story of a Holocaust survivor, Hannah Pick. She knew Anne Frank when more
This coming Friday, March 14th, as we mark Chiara Lubich’s entry into heaven we invite you to learn more about one of the Church’s great lay movements: Focolare. Founded by a young lay woman during wartime Italy the story of Chiara Lubich is truly extraordinary. It can be difficult to describe how the Holy Spirit is present in more
Welcome to the newest feature on the Salt + Light blog: our Week in Review featuring a rundown of Canadian stories about and from the church…with the occasional international story for good measure. In Regina, Archbishop Daniel Bohan is in talks with church officials in Vietnam about how the archdiocese can help Vietnamese seminarians become more