BLOG: Allyson Kenny〈uage=
Allyson Kenny continues her Dorothy Day Reading List Challenge with the books read by Day in the 1970s. Which ones will you read this summer? more
Allyson Kenny continues her Dorothy Day Reading List Challenge with books read by Day in the 1960s. Are any of the titles familiar? more
Allyson Kenny continues her Dorothy Day Reading List Challenge with the books read by Day in the 1950s. Which ones will you read this summer? more
Today is World Environment Day. Allyson Kenny writes about taking part in the Toronto "School Strike for Climate" march and shares a video of the event. more
Allyson Kenny continues her Dorothy Day Reading List Challenge with 31 books read by Day in the 1940s. How many have you read? more
Dorothy Day was a voracious reader. Allyson Kenny challenges us to read some of the books that inspired her. more