BLOG: Pope Francis Prayer Intentions
Let us pray that political leaders be at the service of their own people, working for integral human development and the common good. more
Pastoral care of the sick provides us with the time and place to meet others in times of their greatest need, when they feel the most vulnerable. more
Let us pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, bestows the Lord’s strength to those who receive it and to their loved ones. more
In this month of June, the Holy Father has invited us to pray for migrants, who have to leave their homeland to flee from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys full of danger and violence. more
Let us pray that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys fraught with danger and violence, may find welcome and new living opportunities in their host countries. more
In this month of May, Pope Francis invites us to pray for the formation of religious and seminarians; so that religious women and men, and seminarians, grow in their own vocations through their human, pastoral, spiritual and community formation, leading them to be credible witnesses to the Gospel. more