BLOG: Theology of the Body
Deacon Pedro begins delving into the Catholic tradition of celibacy. Who takes the vow and why? Read this blog to find out! more
So far in part 1  and part 2, we looked at how natural law is usually defined and how some of these definitions cause confusion. I also offered a definition that has always worked well for me. It helps to repeat it: Natural law is the law that says that all things work best or more
On Tuesday we told you about the new pastoral letter from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, Living Chastity Today.  The letter can be downloaded from, or you can view it in video form, presented by seven young people.  The video will also be available as a DVD that can be used in the more
We know the Catholic Church teaching on sex – even non-Catholics could quickly repeat the mantra, “No sex before marriage.” But how many of us can answer, with confidence and understanding, the “Why?” to that same teaching? On this upcoming episode of Word for Word, we open up books exploring the Theology of the Body, more
Last week, Christopher West announced that he was taking a six-month sabbatical for personal and professional reasons. In a possible allusion to the debate over the popular author’s interpretation of John Paul II’s teaching, the Theology of the Body Institute stated that he will take time to “to reflect more deeply on fraternal and spiritual more
“I am well aware,” Christopher West confessed in his recent interview with S+L, “that those looking for flaws in me will always be able to find them.” The popular Theology of the Body author and speaker offered a forthright response to his critics, who last year sparked a surprising public debate among Catholic academics. Theologian more