BLOG: General Posts
What can we expect from this current Synodal Process? Like in any process of authentic discernment that tries to hear God’s will, the short answer is that we don’t really know. more
The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4.7 – 30)
Fr. Timothy Radcliff, OP
October 10, 2023
Today we begin to reflect on B.1 of the Instrumentum Laboris, ‘A Communion that radiates.’ The theme that emerged most frequently in our sessions last week was formation. So how can we all be formed for communion that overflows into mission? In John Chapter 4, we hear of the encounter of Jesus with the woman more
The IL describes the Synod as a liturgical assembly in part to minimize the sense that it’s “a parliamentary structure with its dynamics of majority building” (#48). more
The XVI General Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of the Bishops is happening at the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican. Among the over 400 participants at the Synod are participants from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. more
To my mind, the most striking image from the Instrumentum Laboris happens to be the most traditional. more
Pope Francis is heading to Marseille, France this weekend on his 44th Apostolic Journey abroad. more
Saint John Paul II would often say that “the Church must breathe with her two lungs!” (Ut Unum Sint #54) more
As a minority Catholic country, the pope is relatively unknown in Mongolia. Over fifty percent of the people practice Buddhism, while there are less than 1,500 practising Catholics in the country. During a media roundtable, Salesian Father Jaroslav Vracovský, a pastor in Mongolia, said that locals were “shocked” when they found out that the pope more
Many synod observers may be tempted to think of "Communion, Participation, Mission" as three discrete and potentially disconnected "pillars" of synodality. The IL directly confronts that perception (#43), more
Who will you find at World Youth Day?
Dr. Anthony Cleary
August 4, 2023
This week, hundreds of thousands of young people are gathering in Lisbon, Portugal for World Youth Day. more