BLOG: pope francis〈uage=
After having seen, two weeks ago, St Paul's personal zeal for the Gospel, we can now reflect more deeply on the evangelical zeal as he himself speaks of it and describes it in some of his letters. more
Dear brothers and sisters, Christ is risen!  On this day we proclaim that he, the Lord of our life, is “the resurrection and the life” of the world. (cf. John 11:25) more
The night is drawing to a close and the first light of dawn is appearing upon the horizon, as the women set out toward Jesus’ tomb. They make their way forward, bewildered and dismayed, their hearts overwhelmed with grief at the death that took away their Beloved. Yet upon arriving and seeing the empty tomb, they turn around and retrace their steps. more
This past Sunday, the Liturgy had us listen to the Passion of the Lord. It ended with these words: “They sealed the stone.” (cf. Matthew 27:66) Everything seemed over. For the disciples, that boulder signified the final end of their hope. more
In the path of catechesis on apostolic zeal, let us start today to look at some figures who, in different ways and times, bore exemplary witness to what passion for the Gospel means. more
Today we will listen to the “magna carta” of evangelization in the contemporary world: Saint Paul VI’s Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi. more
In today's General Audience, Pope Francis highlighted the role of lay people in the apostolic mission of the Church. more
Pope Francis stands in the great door of St. Peter's Basilica, looking out into the rainy, empty Square. He's decked in a humeral veil, hoisting a monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament. Though rarely a solitary figure, this time he's all alone. more
What is the "Pope Francis legacy?" Ten years in, we can start asking the question. more
As we celebrate 10 years of Pope Francis, our minds go back to the evening of March 13, 2013, when he first appeared on the balcony of Saint Peter’s Basilica. more