BLOG: Catholic
In this Video Fr. Rob Galea talks about overcoming fear. Three steps to overcoming Fear: 1. Find a stable solid ground that does not change with circumstances 2. Don’t let failure deter you 3. Do it scared. Follow Fr. Rob Galea! Social Media: @FrRobGalea more
In this Video Fr. Rob Galea talks about forgiving others. Four Steps to Forgiving Others: 1. Understand that forgiving others does not mean defeat. 2. Forgiveness is not a feeling but a decision. 3. Recognise that we too are in need of mercy. 4. Forgiving is not forgetting. Follow Fr. Rob Galea! Social Media: more
On Sunday, December 4, 2016 Fidel Castro’s funeral will be held in Cuba. He died last week at the age of 90. The government announced, following his death, nine days of national mourning for one of the most popular and controversial figures of the last 60 years. The Catholic Church had a fundamental role to play more
The 2017 message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations was released Wednesday entitled, “Led by the Spirit for Mission”. In the message for this 54th World Day of Prayer for Vocations, the Pope reflects on the missionary dimension of our Christian calling. The Holy Father says that “commitment to mission is not something more
*Update: My reflection is done! Check it out below: We are three days into our pilgrimage in the Holy Land. It’s been an absolutely incredible experience so far, walking in the footsteps of our Lord. We’ve had the chance to visit Nazareth and the house where Jesus was raised, Cana, where Jesus preformed his first more
Walking in the Light of the Lord & Remembering the Chilean Miners more
In this video Fr. Rob Galea discusses what it means to have a relationship with God. 1. Understand that God desires this Relationship 2. Make a daily commitment to speak and listen to God 3. Dig deep into God’s Word – the Bible 4. Turn to God in the Sacraments Follow Fr. Rob Galea! more
Away from the limelight, Pope Francis spent one Friday a month, over the course of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, putting into practice the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Locations were never announced beforehand and so in the past year, he surprised the sick and the elderly, retired priests, women who have been abused, more
Misericordia et misera FRANCIS TO ALL WHO READ THIS APOSTOLIC LETTER MERCY AND PEACE Misericordia et misera is a phrase used by Saint Augustine in recounting the story of Jesus’ meeting with the woman taken in adultery (cf. Jn 8:1-11). It would be difficult to imagine a more beautiful or apt way of expressing the mystery more
At 10:00 this morning, the Solemnity of Christ the King, in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis celebrated the closing Mass of the Holy Year of Mercy, with the new Cardinals, with the College of Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Priests. At the beginning of Mass, the Holy Father led the Rite of closing of the Holy more