BLOG: Liturgical,Perspectives Weekly
By Deborah Gyapong Canadian Catholic News OTTAWA (CCN) – The importance of the New Evangelization and the deep sense of communion between the Church in Canada and the Holy See are two themes that emerged from the recent visit to Rome by a delegation of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB). “It is fair more
In the second installment of this four-part teaching series, Fr. Bill Burke, Director of the National Liturgy Office of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, helps us to understand the revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal. more
In this first installment of the four-part teaching series, Fr. Bill Burke, Director of the National Liturgy Office of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, helps us to understand the revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal. more
Last week on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition, we spoke about some of the changes we can expect when the new Roman Missal goes into effect on November 27th (the First Sunday of Advent). This week, Pedro asks the question: What does the new translation teach us about music in the liturgy? Pedro speaks with Fr. more
On November 27th, the First Sunday of Advent, the new Roman Missal goes into effect. Apart from finding out what parts of the Mass will change, we dig deeper and find out how our liturgical celebration is enriched by the new translation. So we went straight to the source and invited the experts. We engage more
Pedro delves into the world of Catholic publishing with Joseph Sinasac, Publishing Director of Novalis, and Suzanne Spino, President of Bayard Canada. We learn the difference between big “C” Catholic publishing and little “c” catholic publishing. We also venture out onto the streets of Vancouver to find out what people are reading. more
“Take your shoes off and leave them here. Proceed through this door. Leave your clothes, all your clothes in one of these shelves. Go through the shower. Wash well. On the other side you will find clean socks and coveralls. I’ll meet you on the other side.” With those words Wally, our faithful cameraman and more