BLOG: Sebastian%20Gomes%E2%8C%A9uage=en
The Christmas story is a profound one. To the attentive reader there are countless insights about the nature of God and our own human nature that jump off the pages of Luke and Matthew’s infancy narratives. Perhaps the clearest insight is the fragility and powerlessness of the baby Jesus. It is one of the greatest more
“What is it like to be you in this place?” That simple yet profound question can be asked of anyone: a coal miner, a CEO, a drug addict, an environmentalist, a tree, a flower, a mountain... more
What makes a “Catholic” website really “Catholic”? Sebastian Gomes reflects on the Catholic media we consume and offers criteria to help us discern our use. more
What can we expect from the Final Document and the Message coming out of the synod this weekend? Read what Sebastian Gomes has to say. more
In this #TFI Moment, Franciscan Fr. Dan Horan explores how Pope Francis follows the example of his namesake: St. Francis of Assisi. more
Today at the Synod of Bishops, reports on the first week of discussion were presented by the fourteen small language groups. Find out more here. more
Watch this #TFImoment with Fr. Frank Morrissey, OMI, one of the canon lawyers who helped draft the recent reforms to the annulment process. more
Sr. Simone Campbell, a prominent voice for social justice in America, discusses Pope Francis' profoundly Christian understanding of economics. more
In this #TFImoment, author Jordan Denari Duffner looks at Pope Francis' relationship with non-Catholics and what we can all learn from him. more
For Cindy Wooden, a distinguished Vatican journalist, Pope Francis is a dream and a nightmare. Watch this #TFImoment to find out why! more