The Canadian Bishops have released details regarding the $30M being raised to support healing and reconciliation initiatives across Canada. more
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) gives details of the financial pledge made in the apology issued by the Canadian Bishops on September 24. more
Today, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) issued a statement in response to the tragic event of 25 May 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. more
Sebastian Gomes looks at the Government's revision to the Canada Summer Jobs Program attestation and what it may or may not mean for Catholic organizations. more
The attached document is intended to provide some context on the overall issue and also to clarify a number of inaccuracies which are being circulated or reported. more
This statement was released in response to the TRC's Call to Action #49 and is signed by representatives of the Catholic Church in Canada. more
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