BLOG: Education
This week on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition, Pedro assembles his parenting panel, Patrick Douglas, Gillian Kantor and Jason Gennaro, to discuss how Catholic parents should discipline their kids and also give some helpful suggestions. Due to the Consistory for New Cardinals, we will be airing a special Friday edition of Perspectives Daily at 7:00 pm ET / more
One of the biggest challenges families face today is the question of how to educate one’s kids. How do you explain to them what is right and wrong? Discipline nowadays is sometimes a misunderstood and linked to old models that some would consider violence. As Catholics we compromise to teach to our kids Catholic values, explain to more
Saint-Joseph Cathedral in Gatineau, Quebec will be filled with song this evening. One of the best voices in the cathedral happens to be the community’s newest member: Archbishop Paul-André Durocher. Tonight Durocher will be installed as the fourth bishop of Gatineau, which was established as a diocese in 1963 and elevated to an archdiocese in more
Come, Holy Spirit, send forth the heavenly radiance of your light…. How should the Church be involved in nation-building? On July 9th, South Sudan will celebrate its Independence day. Many things hang in the balance for this country. Most of the tension hedging on who gets access to the rich mineral deposits that lie on more
Recently while I was working on a project called Enduring Gift: Catholic Education in Ontario I had the privilege of looking through some exceptional archival material. There were documents and images dating from the 1800’s to the present day. It was an interesting experience! I think, like most Catholic high school students I imbibed the more