BLOG: poverty
At 5:00 pm, during the sixth Tuesday of Easter, Pope Francis celebrated at St. Peter’s Basilica, a Holy Mass for the occassion of the 20th Caritas Internationalis General Assembly Opening on the theme: One Human Family, Caring for Creation, (Rome, 12-17 May 2015).Below you will find the Holy Father’s homily: The reading from the Acts of the more
By Bronwen Dachs Catholic News Service CAPE TOWN, South Africa (CNS) — Ethiopia’s cardinal-designate hopes his story of serving the people in one of Africa’s poorest countries will inspire young people to do the same. While Ethiopians are “easily tempted to leave” to live and work in developed countries, “the need for educated people here more
Should the Church be poor? Does your church have a crying room for babies and young families? A parish hall? Are your kids going to World Youth Day? Do you have regular coffee socials? If you answered yes to most of these questions, chances are you do not belong to a parish in Whitehorse or more