BLOG: Featured
Read Allyson Kenny's review of Fr. Rob Galea's new book, Breakthrough: A Journey from Desperation to Hope. more
I guess you can’t blame Catholics if they don’t know the meaning of a Sacrament. I was a Catholic for 38 years and had received 5 of the 7 Sacraments before I really came to understand what Sacraments are and why we need them. What is a Sacrament? I don’t remember learning this, but, as more
Read Sebastian Gomes' article on St. Thomas More, who lived in turbulent times and is a model for the Christian citizen of today. more
Read about St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher: two heroic saints who defied a tyrannical king and gave their lives rather than act against their conscience. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' homily on "walking in the Spirit" for the ecumenical prayer service at the World Council of Churches in Geneva. more
Read Allyson Kenny's take on Jennifer Fulwiler's new book, which blends the everyday and the eternal in a style that is down to earth, highly readable, and surprisingly relatable. more
Read Michael Pirri's reflection on his take on faith, and his experience working as a full-time Social and Community Coordinator for his home parish. more
Read Chelsea Santiago's reflection on her insecurities with the Lord, and personal encounter with Jesus in her reflection God calls everyone to his table. more
Preparing World Youth Day requires more than just spiritual and pastoral work. There's also practical preparation that needs to be done. more
Read Pope Francis' Message for the 2nd World Day of the Poor, taking place on November 18th. The theme is: This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him. more