BLOG: General Audience
Today we examine two deadly vices that we find in the great lists that the spiritual tradition has left us: envy and vainglory. more
Among all the capital sins there is one that is often overlooked, perhaps because of its name, which is often incomprehensible to many: I am talking about acedia. more
In our itinerary of catechesis on the vices and virtues, today we will look at a rather ugly vice, sorrow, understood as a despondency of the soul, a constant affliction that prevents man from feeling joy at his own existence. more
Today we will pause to reflect on the vice of wrath. Now we are talking about vices and virtues: today it is time to reflect on the vice of wrath. more
We are continuing our catechesis on vices and virtues, and today we will talk about avarice, that form of attachment to money that keeps man from generosity. more
Let us continue our journey concerning vices and virtues; and the ancient Fathers teach us that, after gluttony, the second "demon" – that is, vice – that is always crouching at the door of the heart is that of lust. more
In our journey of catechesis, in this path of catechesis we are doing, on vices and virtues, today we will take a look at the vice of gluttony. Gluttony. more
Among the many witnesses of the passion for the proclamation of the Gospel, those impassioned evangelizers, today I will present a twentieth-century French woman, the venerable servant of God Madeleine Delbrêl. more
Today I will talk to you about two brothers, very famous in the east, to the point of being called “the apostles of the Slavs”: Saints Cyril and Methodius. more
Let us continue in our encounter with some Christian witnesses rich in zeal for proclaiming the Gospel. more