BLOG: pope francis〈uage=
Here are Salt+Light's Top Quotes from the New Vatican Publication “Giving the Best of Yourself: A document about the Christian perspective on sport and the human person." more
Read the full text of the Homily of Pope Francis for the Solemnity of Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ taken place on June 3, 2018. more
Read the new Vatican document released today: "Giving the best of yourself: A Document on the Christian perspective on sport and the human person" more
Read a summary of the new Vatican document released today: "Giving the best of yourself: A Document on the Christian perspective on sport and the human person" more
Read Alex MacDonald's reflection on the consistent ethic of life and the distinction between pro-life and social-justice from the view points of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin and Pope Francis. more
The Visitation springs forth as Mary’s response to receiving Jesus in the Incarnation: it is a response that calls her outwards, to the outskirts, to the hill country, to bear “good news” and go out in joyful love and service. more
Read more about Amoris, a new 6-part series leading up to the World Meeting of Families (WMOF) this August airing on Salt+Light every Sunday from May 27th to July 1st at 8 PM. more
In honour of the birthday of Padre Pio, we present you with this article written by Dr. Ines Angeli Murzaku on the occasion of the pilgrimage of his major relic to Boston in 2016. more
Sebastian Gomes talks about and reflects on a new and complex story with far-reaching implications. Read his reflection: 'The Chilean crisis: Lessons on reform and leadership from Pope Francis.' more
Read Kristina Glicksman's Reflection for Pentecost Sunday: Transformed By Fire about the power of the Holy Spirit to change our lives especially during this celebration of life and transformation. more