What's on your list of resolutions for the coming year? The resolution we can often miss is the most essential one: receiving the year as a gift from God. ...read more
Do we let Jesus into our everyday lives - into our family, our friendships, and our work? Or are there areas where we try and keep Him out? ...read more
As the media bring us news about the new Omicron variant of COVID, Julian Paparella reflects on the hope brought to us by Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega. ...read more
More than just a private contract between two people or an excuse for a party, marriages serve the common good of humanity, society, and the Church. ...read more
Fr. Jean Francky Guerrier, SJ, reflects on his ordination to the priesthood in Haiti amidst social and political turmoil and a global pandemic. ...read more
Love is not meant to be temporary, fleeting, or self-centred but the deepest fulfillment of who we are. And marriage is the fertile ground for this love. ...read more
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