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The Scriptures tell us that, having established his kingdom, King David decided to transport the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. After summoning the people, he rose and set out to bring the Ark more
I am happy to begin my visit by sharing this moment of prayer with you. I thank Cardinal Jean-Marc Aveline for his words of welcome, and I greet Archbishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, more
In our journey of rediscovering the passion for proclaiming the Gospel, that apostolic zeal; seeing how this passion to proclaim the Gospel has developed in the history of the Church more
I thank Bishop Ornelas for his greeting, and I thank all of you for your presence and your prayer. more
When life throws you the sourest of lemons, it is common to ask or sometimes demand for an answer to our “Why”? more
About twenty years ago, I read some astonishing words from Pope John Paul II about the promise of the Rosary for advancing Christian unity: more
Have you ever asked yourself the question: who did Jesus go to see first after rising from the dead? We know that when the disciples arrived at the tomb first thing on Easter morning, Jesus was not there. Where did He go? Saints over the centuries have said that He probably went to see His more
Have you ever imagined the moment when Jesus rose from the dead? The Gospels don’t tell us anything about the actual moment of the resurrection. We know the disciples found the tomb empty on Easter Sunday. But what must it have been like the moment Jesus came back to life, when His body went from more
Have you ever felt stuck in the dark, longing for some new light to shine in your life? Jesus knows what it’s like to feel trapped in the darkness. That’s what He experienced on the night of Holy Thursday, as he waited to be put on trial and condemned. So too, Jesus comes to sit more
“Blessed are you among women…” (Luke 1:42) How many times have we said those words? Thousands of times, maybe not even thinking about what we’re saying. more