BLOG: Deacon-structing,Faith Education,Life and Family,Prayer,Saints and Blesseds,St. Gianna Beretta Molla
Among the many witnesses of the passion for the proclamation of the Gospel, those impassioned evangelizers, today I will present a twentieth-century French woman, the venerable servant of God Madeleine Delbrêl. more
Today I will talk to you about two brothers, very famous in the east, to the point of being called “the apostles of the Slavs”: Saints Cyril and Methodius. more
Let us continue in our encounter with some Christian witnesses rich in zeal for proclaiming the Gospel. more
As the Holy Land is immersed in this violence and bloodshed, we remember that Jesus, the Son of God, who lived and walked there as Love Incarnate, through His teaching by word and deed, calls us as brothers and sisters to be always united by the bond of charity. more
Deacon Pedro reflects on Laudate Deum, Laudato Si', and the call for people to do something about the climate crisis. more
The Gospel we have just heard is preceded by the account of a difficult moment in Jesus’ mission, which we might call one of “pastoral desolation.” more
At the end of September, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Archangels – Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. more
I am happy to begin my visit by sharing this moment of prayer with you. I thank Cardinal Jean-Marc Aveline for his words of welcome, and I greet Archbishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, more
In our catecheses, we continue to meet passionate witnesses to the proclamation of the Gospel. more
Now, continuing our catechesis on the theme of apostolic zeal and passion for proclaiming the Gospel, we look today at St. Kateri Tekakwitha, the first native North American woman to be canonized. more