BLOG: Current Affairs,Reflections
What's on your list of resolutions for the coming year? The resolution we can often miss is the most essential one: receiving the year as a gift from God. more
Do we let Jesus into our everyday lives - into our family, our friendships, and our work? Or are there areas where we try and keep Him out? more
As the media bring us news about the new Omicron variant of COVID, Julian Paparella reflects on the hope brought to us by Jesus, the Alpha and the Omega. more
We are told that our social interactions will be increasingly absorbed into the "metaverse''. How should we, as Christians, respond to this change? more
As the American bishops prepare to vote on a document about Eucharistic coherence, Benjamin Boivin explains why it has become so controversial. more
Pope Francis has accepted an invitation of the Catholic Bishops of Canada to visit Canada on a pilgrimage of healing and reconciliation. more
How should we as Catholics approach this first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation? Julian Paparella reflects. more
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) gives details of the financial pledge made in the apology issued by the Canadian Bishops on September 24. more
Read the full text of the apology given by the Catholic Bishops of Canada to the Indigenous Peoples of Canada. more
What can Catholics make of the recent Canadian election? Benjamin Boivin gives some helpful insights and ponders the future of Canadian politics. more