When we receive the Eucharist, we receive the fullness of God. We are also brought into communion with Christ and with each other, the Body of Christ. ...read more
Deacon Pedro explores the lives of four more women of the early Church: St. Melania the Elder, St. Melania the Younger, St. Paula, and St. Eustochium. ...read more
Deacon Pedro introduces us to some holy women from the 4th century: St. Helena, St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Monica, St. Marcella, and St. Mary of Egypt. ...read more
Deacon Pedro explores more inspiring women of the early Church: St. Eudokia, St. Blandina, Syncletica of Alexandria, St. Demiana, and Margaret of Antioch. ...read more
Deacon Pedro continues his study of the Church Fathers by telling us about the Desert Fathers, who lived lives of simplicity in the Egyptian desert. ...read more
Deacon Pedro continues his exploration of Church Fathers with the Syriac Fathers, important teachers who lived in the East and wrote in Syriac. ...read more
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