BLOG: Faith Education,Jubilee of Mercy,Life and Family,Pope Francis Prayer Intentions,Prayer,Year of Mercy
We join Pope Francis in praying that the experience and wisdom of the elderly may help young people to look towards the future with hope and responsibility. more
We join Pope Francis in praying that Christian families around the world may embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness. more
We join Pope Francis in praying that young people may look to Mary as an example and model for how to live life to the fullest. more
We join Pope Francis in praying that health care workers may be adequately supported by governments and local communities. more
We join Pope Francis in praying that Christians facing new bioethical challenges may continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and action. more
Are war and violence an inescapable part of human nature? Benjamin Boivin explains what the Catholic Church teaches us about the nature of war. more
Marie Anne Torres shares some relatively easy yet fruitful activities to help your family grow in faith and live out your faith together. more
We join Pope Francis in praying for religious sisters and consecrated women and thanking them for their mission and their courage. more
We join Pope Francis in praying for all those suffering from religious discrimination and persecution, that their own rights and dignity be recognized. more
We join Pope Francis in praying that catechists may be witnesses to the Word of God, with courage and creativity and in the power of the Holy Spirit. more