BLOG: Love
Last week, we saw that because God loves us freely, faithfully, fruitfully and totally, Married Love, has to be free, faithful, fruitful and total. This is why we can say that in Marriage we come closest to loving another person the way God loves us. But can we do that? Can I love my wife the more
As a single Canadian man transplanted into Los Angeles, I’m morbidly interested in the dysfunctional dating culture here.  We have perhaps the highest density of young adults anywhere, yet the most bemoaning and anguish of those unable to find love. Countless stories of bad dating manners and gender role dysfunction abound. Not surprising then to more
This past Christmas we reflected upon the incomprehensible mystery of the incarnation – God the Father made known to us through the man Jesus Christ. He chose a specific time, place, and way in our history to reveal Himself to us. That is the “Incarnation.” It’s a word we’ve probably heard many times. But have more
On Friday, March 13, 2015, during the penance service in St. Peter’s Basilica, the Holy Father announced an extraordinary Jubilee dedicated to Divine Mercy. Below, please find Vatican Radio’s English translation of the Pope Francis’s homily, in which he made the announcement. This year as last, as we head into of the Fourth Sunday of Lent, more
S+L presents Forgiveness: A Time to Love and a Time to Hate. The PBS film provides an intimate look into the spontaneous outpouring of forgiveness: from the Amish families for the 2006 shooting of their children in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania; the struggle of ’60s radicals to cope with the serious consequences of their violent acts more
Deacon-struct the meaning of Scripture during the Season of Lent with Deacon Pedro. more
I was, until I asked a friend of mine what she thought about lent and she said it was her favourite time in the liturgical calendar. I was taken aback when I saw how in love she was and how selfish I was being. Do you know what it takes to know and to experience more
A reflection for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year A. The readings are  Exodus 22:20-26, Psalm 18, Thessalonians 1:5c-10 and Matthew 22:34-40. Which is the greatest commandment of the Law? This was a real question at the time of Jesus. People would gather around the water cooler at work and talk about which commandment more
Last Sunday was the Feast of the Triumph or Exaltation of the Cross. For the last two Sundays on the S+L Blog, we’ve been looking at why we exalt the cross, an instrument of death. We saw that Jesus died to destroy death forever, so we don’t have to be under the power of death anymore. more
While attending a World Youth Day itself has many immediate benefits, it would be a shame if its only benefits stayed trapped in the chronological time period within which they fell. The celebrations of World Youth Day last for a couple weeks. Putting the challenge of World Youth Day into practice takes a lifetime. Part more