BLOG: One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert discusses the ways in which religious communities have been a source of ecumenical insight and expression. more
We must all remain rooted in Christ, the source of our life. Catherine Clifford explores the theme for this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. more
Public and private prayer for unity | One Body
Julien Hammond
November 24, 2020
We know we should all be praying for Christian unity, but what does that prayer actually look like? more
Dialogue is not only an essential part of our search for Christian unity but also inherent in our vocation as Christians. more
It’s all about conversion | One Body
Julien Hammond
September 29, 2020
As Christians we are called to turn away from sin and conform our lives to the Gospel. What implications does this have for ecumenism? more
Together in all things | One Body
Nicholas Jesson
August 25, 2020
We are called to find ways to live out a visible witness to the unity of the Gospel. How have the churches approached this task? And what can you do? more
Changes in Catholic approaches to ecumenism | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
July 28, 2020
In this third article of our new series, Sr. Donna Geernaert explores the development of Catholic teaching on ecumenism in the last century. more
Jesus’ prayer for unity | One Body
Julien Hammond
June 30, 2020
Jesus' prayer for the unity of his disciples in John's Gospel gives us the key to how we should approach the search for unity among all Christians. more
One Body: A new blog series on ecumenism
Nicholas Jesson
May 26, 2020
What does it mean that all Christians are part of the Body of Christ? Read this new series on ecumenism exploring issues and ideas from the search for Christian unity. more