BLOG: Stefan%20Slovak
Today on Perspectives, Pope Benedict’s weekly Angelus, an Archbishop riven from Syria, Pakistani Christian children being slaughtered and the the Canadian Church seeks to help those in need. more
Today on Perspectives, a Cardinal takes ill, persecution of Christians in Pakistan, the Vatican works to reconcile with religious communities and the Vatican’s astronomer discuses the possibility of new life and new civilizations. more
Today on Perspectives, the Pope’s General Audience and more from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Convention in Anaheim including States Dinner, mass coverage with Cardinals Levada and Collins and an interview with Cardinal Mahony. more
Fr. Paolo Dall’Oglio at Salt + Light Television along with members of the Syrian community of Toronto and members of the Salt + Light team. The civil war in Syria is perhaps the most volatile issue in international affairs today. This is high stakes showdown that has seen all of the major powers of the more