BLOG: ecumenism
A warm embrace. That was how Pope Benedict was greeted as he met with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams.  It was as if His Grace flew to meet the Holy Father as he stepped out of his car, arriving at the Archbishop’s residence, Lambeth Palace. The Holy Father emphasized the importance of praying more
A few weeks ago, my mixed feelings about multi-faith advocacy were brought to the surface. Before I confess my misgivings, I must tell you that I’m especially indebted to people of other religions and denominations. When I was an agnostic high school student, a Bahá’í friend stoked my interest in God by inviting me to more
In middle of July, the national assembly of the Church of England voted to approve the creation of women bishops by 2014. Catholic News Service’s Carol Glatz and John Thavis explain in this week’s Vatican Report that this may present an obstacle in ecumenical dialogue. To download Flash Player please click here more
The Christian Churches in the Holy Land are often characterized as intractably, scandalously divided. The impression is not without reason, as evidenced by the embarrassing 2008 skirmishes between Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox monks in Jerusalem’s Holy Sepulchre—the church recognized as the site of Calvary and Jesus’ empty tomb. It would be wrong, however, to more
Posted below is a transcript of Cardinal William Joseph Levada’s address on Anglicanorum coetibus, delivered March 6th in Kingston, Ontario. The American Cardinal, who serves in the Vatican as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, was introduced by the chaplain of the Queen’s University Newman Centre, Fr. Raymond de Souza. Note more