BLOG: %E6%95%99%E5%AE%97%E6%96%B9%E6%BF%9F%E5%90%84%E4%BD%BF%E5%BE%92%E4%B9%8B%E6%97%85%202019%20-%20%E7%BE%85%E9%A6%AC%E5%B0%BC%E4%BA%9E%E2%8C%A9uage=ch
St. John of the Cross, whose feast we celebrate in the middle of our cold and dark Advent season, is often looked to for what he can teach us about suffering. more
Today we will conclude the series dedicated to apostolic zeal, in which we have allowed the Word of God to inspire us, to help nurture a passion for the proclamation of the Gospel. more
Twenty years ago, I was at a crucial point in my life. In 2003, I graduated from college and I began my Salt + Light Media career. more
Our character for the second week of Advent is John the Baptist. more
Writing can often be a struggle. It doesn't matter how experienced or skilled you are — sometimes, a draft simply doesn't work. more
On December 8, the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. more
Synods are ecclesial gatherings, intense moments of reflection on the Word of God symbolized by the presence of the Book of the Gospels enthroned in the midst of the assembly. more
In the last catecheses we saw that the proclamation of the Gospel is joy, it is for everyone, and it is addressed to today. more
Over the years, I haven't done much to prepare for Christmas apart from buying presents and attending the occasional Advent retreat. more
I offer my cordial greetings and I am grateful to each of you for having accepted the invitation of Cardinal Aveline to participate in these meetings. more