BLOG: 教宗方濟各使徒之旅 2019 - 羅馬尼亞〈uage=ch
You probably know that the Church has feast days to commemorate important saints and events. But did you know there are different ranks of feast days? more
Today is the International Day of Education. What is it and what can I do to help? Jermaine Bagnall tells us everything we need to know. more
Isabelle Gagnon reflects on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and the meaning of freedom in the middle of a pandemic. more
“Gift of gab” exposed | Word Alive
Daniel Torchia
January 22, 2021
The readings for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time are short, clear, direct, and compelling. Maybe there's a lesson in that for us. more
Jermaine Bagnall gives us some insights into episode eight of Working in Faith and his guest, Ryan Hanning. more
The year of the family
Isabelle Gagnon
January 19, 2021
Pope Francis has declared that March 2021 to June 2022 will be a year dedicated to the "Amoris Laetita Family". more
Were you surprised at the news last week that women are now allowed to serve as lectors and acolytes? Deacon Pedro tells us everything we need to know. more
God calls everyone. But most of the time he calls us through someone else. When was the last time you pointed someone to Christ? more
As we begin 2021, we face many challenges, but we also look forward to the future with hope. It is time for us to ask: What does a better world look like? more
The psalms are rich with beautiful prayers that we can say ourselves, when we are looking for the words to speak, or simply as a boost in our quiet moments. more