BLOG: Deacon-structing
Last time I tried to make a case for reading Scripture. Our faith teaches that, not only should we read and study Scripture, but we should pray with Scripture. When I was growing up in the 70s, this was not taught in Catechism class. Although, come to think of it, it’s not like anyone taught more
What is a missionary? What is the mission of the Church? Deacon Pedro presents a perspective from the 5th Missionary Congress of the Americas in Bolivia. more
Preparing World Youth Day requires more than just spiritual and pastoral work. There's also practical preparation that needs to be done. more
mer·cy noun: mercy; plural noun: mercies Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. jus·tice noun: justice; plural noun: justices Just behavior or treatment. The quality of being fair and reasonable. Last week we learned why Pope Francis declared this year to be the Year of Mercy. more
Two weeks ago we looked at why we need mercy and last week we reflected on Don Francisco’s beautiful song, “Adam, Where Are You?” Last week  we also saw what the Church teaches about Original Sin: Once we were in a state of Original Grace. Original Sin is the state of deprivation of that state, more
Listening to all the readings at Mass about the end of times at this time of the year makes you wonder if we should be proclaiming them as “the Good News!” Recently while visiting my parents I found a book titled, “The Final Hour.” It’s about all the end-time prophecies. I have to be honest, more