BLOG: ecumenism
The great damage inflicted among Indigenous Peoples by the colonizing projects in North America/Turtle Island, including the far too frequent complicity of the churches with them, is something that can hardly be overstated. more
The Gospel we have just heard is preceded by the account of a difficult moment in Jesus’ mission, which we might call one of “pastoral desolation.” more
“Together.” Like the early Christian community on the Day of Pentecost. Like one flock, loved and gathered by one Shepherd, Jesus. more
Allow me to address you in this way, as a brother in faith to those who believe in Christ, and as a brother to all of you in the name of our shared religious quest and our membership in the one human family. more
The Canadian Council of Churches at 80 | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
August 24, 2023
In 2024, The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) celebrates the 80th anniversary of its founding. more
Seeking a Common Date for Easter | One Body
Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC
April 27, 2023
Have you ever greeted a neighbour with a “Happy Easter,” only to learn that they are still in the season of Lent and won’t be celebrating the Feast for another couple of weeks? more