BLOG: General Audience
Pope Francis continued his catechesis on "The Holy Spirit and the Bride," reflecting on the heritage of prayer in the Book of Psalms. more
Let us continue the catechesis on the Holy Spirit who guides the Church towards Christ our hope. He is the guide. more
In today's catechesis, I would like to reflect with you on the name by which the Holy Spirit is called in the Bible. more
Today, with this catechesis we begin a cycle of reflections with the theme ‘The Holy Spirit and the Bride” – the bride is the Church – “The Holy Spirit guides God's people towards Jesus our hope." more
We will conclude this cycle of catechesis by looking at a virtue which is not part of the seven cardinal and theological virtues, but which is at the base of Christian life: this virtue is humility. more
Today we will talk about the third theological virtue, charity. The other two, let us remember, were faith and hope: today we will talk about the third, charity. more