BLOG: poverty
Deacon Pedro Guevara Mann offers some final thoughts on how we should understand and live out the preferential option for the poor. more
Deacon Pedro explains how grace, gratitude, and generosity should be part of our approach to the preferential option for the poor. more
Deacon Pedro walks us through the sophisticated social doctrine that the Catholic Church has developed regarding the preferential option for the poor. more
What does it mean to have a “preferential option for the poor”? Deacon Pedro Guevara Mann starts with an exploration of the poor in Scripture. more
“What is it like to be you in this place?” That simple yet profound question can be asked of anyone: a coal miner, a CEO, a drug addict, an environmentalist, a tree, a flower, a mountain... more
Read Kevin Clarke's reflection on the impact Oscar Romero had on El Salvador during its hardest years, as a very troubled nation. more