What will scholars find in the secret archives of Pope Pius XII?
Salt + Light Media
March 11, 2019
Pius XII expert Robert Ventresca speaks to S+L in this exclusive interview on what he hopes to find in archives which will soon be open to the public. ...
Deacon-structing the Anointing of the Sick | Part 2
Deacon Pedro
March 10, 2019
Join Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann as he continues to explore the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. This week, he looks at who can receive it and how. ...
Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ: 1st Sunday of Lent (Year C)
Salt + Light Media
March 9, 2019
One day a couple with a strong biblical background were chatting about who should brew the coffee in the morning. ...
SLHour: Marriage Prep for Civilly Married Couples
Salt + Light Media
March 9, 2019
This week, we speak with Ryan and Mary Rose Verett, founders of the Witness to Love marriage preparatory program that now includes ministry to civilly married couples. ...
Let’s be honest about Lent…
Sebastian Gomes
March 7, 2019
Herein lies the great spiritual challenge of Lent: how do we be honest with ourselves about ourselves? Read this Lenten reflection from Sebastian Gomes. ...
Five Books for a Better Lent
Allyson Kenny
March 6, 2019
Lent is a great opportunity to take stock of our spiritual and emotional lives. Here are some of my favourite resources that help with that process. ...
Homily of Pope Francis for Ash Wednesday Mass
Salt + Light Media
March 6, 2019
On Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Basilica of Santa Sabina in Rome,  thus marking the beginning of Lent. Below is the Full Text of his Homily:  ...
The Unexamined Life: Reflection for Ash Wednesday
Salt + Light Media
March 6, 2019
Once upon a time, a fox fell in love with a dog. They promised to love, protect, and die for one another. One day, unfortunately, they both were caught by a hunter. ...
Vatican Connections: Money from the pope’s Lambo goes to…
Noel Ocol
March 5, 2019
Welcome to another edition of Vatican Connections. Since our last episode, a lot of interesting things have happened in Rome. Here are just some of the stories that we bring to you on tonight’s show. The pope makes a parish visit on Sunday and offers a great suggestion for Lent. Remember that Lamborghini that the pope ...
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for March 2019
Salt + Light Media
March 5, 2019
Join Salt+Light in praying with the Holy Father for his March 2019 Prayer Intentions: Recognition of the Right of Christian Communities. ...