Deacon-structing the Call – Lessons from Panama: Love
Deacon Pedro
February 17, 2019
By looking at Pope Francis' words during WYD Panama 2019, Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann reflects on the vital role that love plays in our vocations. ...
Learning to "encounter": What I took home from the Synod
Prevain Devendran
February 15, 2019
Having participated in the recent Synod, Prevain Devendran reflects on how the experience has affected his understanding of the importance of "encounter". ...
10 Ways to Learn More about Soon-to-be-Saint John Henry Newman
Allyson Kenny
February 13, 2019
Want to learn more about Blessed John Henry Newman, a towering figure in the modern Catholic Church? Here are some helpful resources to get you started. ...
Vatican Connections: Will the pope step in to resolve Venezuela’s stalemate?
Noel Ocol
February 12, 2019
Will the pope step in and mediate the political crisis that’s tearing the country of Venezuela apart? On the one hand, the country has a president who’s held onto power by allegedly fraudulent means and, on the other hand, his rival, who has been declared president-elect with the support of the people. Now, with both ...
Video message of the Holy Father to participants of the World Government Summit in Dubai
Salt + Light Media
February 12, 2019
Pope Francis sends a video message to participants of the World Government Summit in Dubai, encouraging them to work for the common good. ...
Deacon-structing the Call – Lessons from Panama: Dream
Deacon Pedro
February 10, 2019
Right from the moment Pope Francis arrived in Panama, he was already speaking about vocation. But the word he used was “dreams”. ...
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for February 2019
Salt + Light Media
February 7, 2019
Join us in prayer for the intention entrusted to us by Pope Francis. For February 2019, we join the Holy Father in praying for: Human Trafficking. ...
Vatican Connections: What the pope hopes to achieve with his ecumenical and interfaith focus
Noel Ocol
February 5, 2019
This week the pope made history yet again by being the first pope ever to set foot in the Arabian Peninsula. Embarking on his 27th international apostolic journey, the Holy Father travelled to the United Arab Emirates with a very clear objective. Now the question is, what is that objective and will he achieve it ...
Homily of Pope Francis on last day in Abu Dhabi
Salt + Light Media
February 5, 2019
On the final day of his Apostolic Journey to the UAE, Pope Francis celebrated Mass in Zayed Sports City in Abu Dhabi. Read the full text of his homily here. ...
A Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together
Salt + Light Media
February 5, 2019
Pope Francis and Sheikh Ahmed el-Tayeb sign A Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together. Read the full text here. ...