Pope’s General Audience – December 6, 2023
Pope Francis
December 6, 2023
In the last catecheses we saw that the proclamation of the Gospel is joy, it is for everyone, and it is addressed to today. ...
Martha, you too can choose the better part
Maria Montemayor
December 5, 2023
Over the years, I haven't done much to prepare for Christmas apart from buying presents and attending the occasional Advent retreat. ...
Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28): Address of His Holiness
Pope Francis
December 4, 2023
I offer my cordial greetings and I am grateful to each of you for having accepted the invitation of Cardinal Aveline to participate in these meetings. ...
Advent Soap Making
Jennifer Nip
December 4, 2023
This year, I’m making homemade soaps for my daughters as they have very sensitive skin, which tends to worsen during the fall and winter seasons when the indoor heating is on. ...
St. Barbara: The Story of a Christian Martyr of Unshakeable Courage!
Aline Haddad
December 3, 2023
St. Barbara is a saint and martyr (circa +235) venerated in Christianity, specifically in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. ...
Encore Best of: Mental Health Sunday, the Humanity of Jesus and great music!
Salt + Light Hour
December 2, 2023
This week, on a special Summer edition of the SLHour, we revisit some of the conversations we had on this program earlier in 2023. We learn about mental health Sunday and the importance of recognizing mental health in the Church with Fr. Stephan Kappler of the Southdown Institute and speak with Jared Brock about his ...
Let your face shine | Reflection for Advent I
Matthew Neugebauer
December 2, 2023
Welcome back to Advent. It’s been waiting for you. That season of longing, of hope, of light piercing the dark, like a candle in a cave or a flashlight in a tunnel. ...
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for December 2023
Pope Francis
December 1, 2023
We pray that people with disabilities may be at the centre of attention in society, and that institutions offer inclusion programs that enhance their active participation. ...
Deacon-structing Advent: #Light
Deacon Pedro
December 1, 2023
We’re approaching the First week of Advent and I am thinking about Zechariah. ...
Pope’s General Audience – November 29, 2023
Pope Francis
November 29, 2023
The last few times we saw that Christian proclamation is a joy, and it is for everyone; today we will see a third aspect: it is for today. ...